The P&C/parent association is a feature of nearly all public schools in the ACT. Schools benefit from the support of their P&Cs. The role of the parent association is to:

* support the school for the benefit of all students

* promote parent participation in the work of the school and encourage strong positive community support

* provide a forum for parents to discuss and debate school issues

* provide parent input to educational issues and policies (especially via Council)

We have recently had our first P&C meeting.

Our new Executive Committee is

Alesha R. – President

Lisa S. – Vice President

Camilla F. – Secretary

Jessica M. – Assistant Secretary

Taryn G. – Treasurer

Anita W. – Assistant Treasurer

Anyone wishing to contact the P&C, or, even better, assist, the P&C can be contacted via email at: Throsbyschoolpc@gmail.com